Resolving Conflict Training
Course Description
This one-day interactive Resolving Conflict Training course will show you how to resolve and Minimize Workplace Disputes. You will learn how to communicate clearly and tactfully, explore appropriate resolution strategies, and establish a common-sense approach for preventing unnecessary conflict.
Conflict cannot be avoided, either interpersonally, between work departments, or with customers. We all need to know how to deal with it effectively. During this course a variety of situations will be analyzed to determine when to confront and when not to. In the Resolving Conflict Training, you will learn the steps necessary to constructively confront: getting ready, defining your objectives, developing and planning strategies for resolving differences, anticipating consequences and developing alternative approaches. The value of win-win conflict resolution and steps to prevent conflict from occurring will be discussed in this dynamic Resolving Conflict Training course.
Upon successful completion of the Resolving Conflict Training course, you will be able to:
- Identify a preferred strategy for handling conflict
- Understand the characteristics and drawbacks of five conflict strategies
- Recognize the sources of conflict that most often occur in the workplace
- Learn effective strategies for managing and resolving conflict
- Practice behaviors that minimize tension and conflict
- Practice essential communication skills to influence difficult people and reduce conflict
- Identify specific strategies that can be used to promote cooperativeness.
- Develop a Personal Action Plan to resolve either personal or job-related conflicts.
Target Audience
Professionals and managers who want to enhance their ability to deal with conflict situations productively.
Course Outline
Module One: Understanding the System
- Course objectives
- Introduction
- Styles of behavior within the system
- Your network of relationships
- Assessing roles in the system
Module Two: Preventing Conflict from Occurring
- Keys for improving business relationships
- Case study
- Analyze your interactions
- Develop, test and revise your strategy
- Follow through and be consistent
Module Three: Focusing on Team Relationships
- Team communication roadblocks
- Practice these communication skills
- Keys to effective listening
- Meeting communications assessment
- Enhance cooperation in meetings
- If conflict occurs during a meeting
Module Four: Resolving Conflict Productively
- What doesn't work
- Four steps of conflict resolution
- Coping with rocky relationships
- Dealing with tricky team members
- Sources of conflict
- Methods for handling conflict
- Methods for preventing conflict
- Conflict Management
- Sample Ground Rules and Norms
- Mitigating threatening language and ideas
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or we can sign up several students for a future class.
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